Submission statistics

1 minute read

Thanks to the Program Co-Chairs and the Industry Track Co-Chairs for their hard work during the submission period. Apologies for being quiet for so long. We now have a snapshot of the submission numbers.

Main Conference

We had notable jumps in submissions this year! The Program Co-Chairs are still working on numbers related to “desk rejects” – specifically, papers that were rejected without review due to author mistakes that are mostly avoidable. It takes a little while to figure this out for such a large number of submissions, so please stay tuned for more details.

The following are the number of submissions reported by the Program Co-Chairs. Note that these numbers do not yet exclude desk rejects but do exclude the 455 papers that were withdrawn.

Type Number
Long papers 1198 (compared to 647 in 2018)
Short papers 757 (compared to 425 in 2018)
Total submissions 1955 (compared to 1072 in 2018)

Authors of submissions that have been classified as “desk rejects” will be notified via START once the area chairs have completed their checks.

Industry Track

The following are the numbers reported by the Industry Track Co-Chairs. Note that in this case the final submissions exclude both withdrawn papers as well as desk rejects.

Type Number
Abstracts submitted 124
Papers withdrawn 11
Desk rejected (Incomplete) 11
Desk rejected (Duplicates) 1
Desk rejected (Page limit) 1
Total final submissions 100 (compared to 85 in 2018)

Authors of “desk rejects” should have already received notifications via START.

Happy Holidays!

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