MAY 2, 2004
Date: Sunday May 2, 2004.
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., approximately
Place: Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Attendees: Robert Frederking, Graeme Hirst, Lillian Lee,
Diane Litman, Kathy McCoy, Dragomir Radev,
Ellen Riloff, Janyce Wiebe
Guests: Christine Doran, Julia Hirschberg, Priscilla Rasmussen
Addendum: Report of the General Chair and SubChairs, HLT/NAACL-2004 (Excerpts)
- HLT/NAACL-2004 conference
- ACL 2005
- NAACL financial data
- Bids for NAACL 2006
- Summer schools
- Position on an HLT meeting in 2005
- Misc
Julia Hirschberg reviewed the report (excerpted below) of the general
chair and sub-chairs for HLT/NAACL 2004. She noted that all the
reports were in within one day of the announced deadline, and all but
one were in on time.
Below are points not otherwise raised in the conference report.
-- About registration --
There was some discussion of the number of registrations this year,
and especially about whether and/or why the student registrations were
relatively low. Kathy McCoy reported that there were a few
problematic registrations, including redundant registrations, possibly
caused by web-server delays being interpreted as failures. It is
recommended to delete the "I'm a invited speaker and so don't have to
pay" option from the online registration form, since people were
confused as to what "invited speaker" status is. Otherwise, online
registration was pretty smooth.
-- About the reviewing process for the main conference --
Of the 19 submissions that were rejected as long papers but invited to be
revised and re-submitted as short short papers, 5 were re-submitted.
There were fewer short-paper submissions than expected.
Some reviewers felt they did not receive papers in their area of
expertise; this might be due to the flexibility of the Area Chairs
(which indicates that "Senior Program Committee" might be a better
The START conference-review software allows conference chairs and
reviewers to see the identity of reviewers. Cyberchair doesn't have
this property, but was not necessarily recommended. START licensing
fess are approximately $500 for the first conference, $400 for the
second, and then $100 for each subsequent one.
-- About organization --
A general problem was that lines of authority weren't always clear.
For example, it had been generally assumed that the ACL Business
Manager or the ACL Treasurer set the fees, but instead, it turned out
to be the responsibility of the NAACL Treasurer. A complicating
factor is that tradition and the ACL Conference Handbook (which is
ACL-meeting specific) interact in complex ways. For instance,
according to the Handbook, co-located workshops are the responsibility
of the General Chair, but the Workshop Chair(s) might be a better
choice. Perhaps the Handbook could be "parametrized" for chapter
meetings, or could specify where latitude exists. Also, perhaps a
particular NAACL Executive board member could be designated as the one
in charge of keeping an eye on the conference, and determine
which questions need to be passed up to the ACL Executive.
One topic for consideration is how to better incorporate institutional
memory; one hurdle is that the chairs and sub-chairs all change every
year. Perhaps, given the three-(sub)chair structure, one of the
chairs could serve as a co-chair for the following year.
Another question was the status of a proposal making the sponsorship
chair a paid position that is filled by the same person from one year
to the next.
-- About the Student Research Workshop --
Funding for non-USA students to attend the Student Research Workshop
was a problem. NSF may prefer USA students ("may" because it was
noted that for a AAAI spring symposium, NSF and ONR didn't seem to
distinguish USA from non-USA students). The need to use US carriers
was a major problem. One positive aspect was that the overhead on
the NSF funding was low, perhaps because of low overhead rates at the
institution involved (Ohio State). IBM sponsored in full an evening
The submission rate was low. Perhaps this is due to interactions with
the short papers of the main session. One possibility would be to
funnel some rejected short-paper submissions to the Student Research
Workshop submission pool.
-- About the workshops --
There was much discussion about "exception" workshops, such as SIG
meetings and/or workshops that want different treatment from the
"standard" set-up (examples: meeting off-site, meeting at a different
day than the designated workshop days). "Exception" workshops can
cause a great deal of overhead for organizers, especially because it
is currently unclear who is in charge of what and what policies apply
for such cases (examples: Who pays for catering? Should a "register
for workshop X only" (and thus not paying the general-conference
registration fee) option be allowed?)
There were some problems with workshop organizers making up their own
schedules without having been told about the communal breaks schedule.
-- About local arrangements --
Christine Doran reviewed her report.
Negotiations with hotels and related entities were done before MITRE's
bid to host the meeting was approved because hotel costs had to be
submitted with the final bid materials. No hotels of a suitable size
were to be found in Cambridge. An advantage of dealing with a hotel,
rather than a very large venue, is that extra negotiating leverage
results from being a very big customer from the a hotel's point of
view. In the end, a very good room rate was acquired (as evidence,
many people are staying extra nights beyond the conference; some did
complain and found alternate housing in hostels or the YMCA). The
meeting substantially exceeded the room contract, and the hotel, being
very pleased with this threw in some extras. A perk for those who
booked rooms through NAACL was that they could make free 800 and local
calls. The central locale was a plus, although there were some
problems with traffic. The hotel provided swan pins, subsequently
dubbed "swans of power" to those organizers who were authorized to
make decisions on the meeting's behalf to make the visually
identifiable to hotel staff. This was a nice system, although it
provoked the question of whether there were one swan to rule them all.
Wireless hubs were purchased.
Because there were multiple speech demos, there was a need to give the
demos extra space. This required re-arranging the demo and poster
The total budgeted cost for the banquet was $17310, for 400 people.
At the time, about 200 tickets, at $65 each, had been sold.
MITRE received some money for administrative support; in return, some
of their administrative staff helped out on site. MITRE also set up a
"holding" account, which allowed for tax-exempt status to apply and
which made paying costs easier.
There was some confusion about who was authorized to sign contracts,
write checks, and so on (the NAACL Treasurer? the General Chair? the
Business Manager?).
-- Other topics --
Because some of the tutorials had low pre-registration numbers, it
might be necessary to reduce the number of tutorials from 6 (two per area),
especially since it was observed that in general the number of people
who attend tutorials seems to remain constant.
Steven Bird, Dragomir Radev, and Sandra Carberry may have found a good
solution to the problem of the ACL website location.
Problems with Omnipress include the fact that they didn't handle the
arrangements for proceedings delivery well.
The integration of the three main areas could be improved.
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[2] ACL 2005
A reminder was given that although Dragomir Radev is NAACL Treasurer
and therefore in usual circumstances would be an ex-officio member of
the oversight committee for ACL 2005, because he is Local Arrangements
chair for that conference, he will not be on the oversight committee
to avoid conflicts of interest.
Dragomir Radev reviewed his presentation for the business meeting.
At the time, preparation of the final budget and general-chair
selection were still in progress.
A point of discussion was whether to include a local, i.e., North
American, flavor to ACL 2005; an example would be a Latin American
panel. It was suggested that someone spearhead whatever effort is
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The 2004 balance was $21.8K. The Summer School cost $10K, and $4K
were received from ACL 2002 (this latter number had initially been predicted
to be higher).
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Janyce Wiebe presented a draft of the preliminary call for bids for
review. Possible locations were discussed.
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Reminder: This is the final year of the agreement between NAACL and
the Johns Hopkins CLSP summer school. In review, it seems like an
expensive (approximately $1000 per student), but fruitful arrangement.
Approved: a proposal, with attendant conditions, for NAACL sponsorship
of the Linguistic Society of America's 2005 summer school.
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Previous discussions on this topic were reviewed: the general question
was what role NAACL should play (advisory? financial? none?) with
respect to an HLT meeting in 2005, should one occur. Scenarios
discussed included (a) HLT being co-located or co-organized with a
different meeting than ACL 2005, for example, CoNLL, IJCAI, or SIGDAT;
(b) the HLT meeting being a workshop at ACL 2005; and (c) ACL 2005 and
the HLT meeting co-locating. These options could impact people's
perceptions of the HLT meeting's prestige and HLT tradition in
different ways. Scenario (b) had the potential to raise the
"Exception Workshop" concerns discussed above (see "About the
workshops"). Advantages of (c), co-location, include maintaining a
positive influence on the integration of speech, IR, and CL;
disadvantages include organizational questions and conflicts of
deadlines. It was also noted that in general, ACL treats co-located
entities as workshops, with ACL taking an overhead percentage, with
larger meetings paying a larger rate. [As of September 2004, option
(a), with SIGDAT, had been chosen.]
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[7] MISC.
Plans were made for what to say at the HLT-NAACL 2004 Business Meeting
--- announcement of election winners, solicitation of nominations from--
the membership at large, sundry thanks.
It was agreed that we would hold off on any constitutional issues
until June, when election business arises. The nominating committee
should be contacted in the summer.
Another phone meeting will occur in late fall.
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Excerpts from the Report of the General Chair and SubChairs, HLT/NAACL-2004
Note: formatting alterations stem from conversion to .txt and some post-hoc format editing
(Return to top of HLT-NAACL report; return to top of minutes)
General Chair Report
Julia Hirschberg, Columbia
High Points:
- Conference registration numbers are good.
- We chose three chairs for each sub-chair position, one each from NLP, IR, and
the Speech community. This worked extremely well, since there was always
backup when someone was traveling, and it spread the workload out. I think it
also gave more people a sense of involvement in the conference; e.g., 21 of the 27
chairs are attending the conference. All of the groups did first-rate jobs. Christy
and I are having a thank-you lunch to show our appreciation on Monday.
- The paper submission and selection process went relatively smoothly and the
PC chairs and area chairs all recommend the Start review software they used to
other ACL conferences. Long paper decisions were made in a face-to-face
meeting and short paper/poster decisions on a conference call. The PC chairs
chose area chairs who had expertise in multiple areas, to provide flexibility in
case submissions did not follow the previous year's pattern, and this worked well
in general. The PC chairs and Area chairs decided to give a best paper award; in
consultation with the NAACL board, we decided to do this, although this decision
need not bind future PC committees. 43 of 168 full paper submissions were
accepted (26%), and 40 of 84 short papers (48%). While it was difficult to count
the submissions by broad area, the PCs' best effort at doing this (which counts
some papers in multiple categories) indicates that, for Long Papers, 129 were in
NLP, 53 in IR, and 33 in Speech; for Short Papers, 47 were in NLP, 28 in IR, and
27 in Speech.
- Student Workshop: We did receive NSF funding ($20,164) this year to support
the workshop, thanks to the efforts of the Faculty Advisors to the workshop. One
issue here is international students, since NSF is better able to support U.S.
students from U.S.; however, other options for support are available for foreign
students, and future Advisors should explore them. We also decided to hold the
workshop during the tutorial day, so that there would be less competition from
parallel paper sessions. Finally, we decided to hold a student evening party
instead of a lunch; IBM agreed to sponsor.
- Tutorials: We settled on six, 2 in each of our theme areas, IR, NLP, Speech. As
of the end of pre-registration, two workshops (one NLP and one Speech/IR) had
rather low enrollments (12 and 8) but the rest were doing fine. We decided not to
cancel any assuming we would get walk-ins in Boston.
- Workshops: We received 11 proposals and accepted 10. As of 26 April,
registration ranges from 19 (WS7 on Speech Indexing and Retrieval) to 60 (WS8
on Linking Biological Literature, Ontologies and DBs).
- Demos: There were 22 submissions of which 19 were accepted. The demo chairs
solicited other demos as well, but few of these solicited proposals resulted in
demos. We decided on a demo plenary session with 2 demos for presentation
plus overviews of the rest by the demo co-chairs. The actual demos will be given
(in parallel) during the remainder of the session.
- Sponsorships: We contacted 48 organizations and 8 publishers. Of these, we
received $25,000 from 10 sponsors/exhibitors, most at the 'Bronze' ($1,000)
level. We allowed Bronze sponsors free exhibit space on a one-time basis to get
more exhibits. Not many publishers (only ACM and MIT Press) wanted to
exhibit this time.
Low Points/Suggestions:
- Overall: It was not always clear whom to ask and who had the final say when we
wanted to innovate or to find out standard practice where this was not specified in
the ACL Conference Handbook. It would be good to clarify whether the NAACL
Exec or the HLT conference board (or the ACL exec) should be contacted for
different matters, or to specify which contact person in each the General Chair
should deal with. This was particularly an issue wrt the Best Paper Award issue,
the naming of Area Chairs (the PC chairs wanted to call them Senior Program
Committee members), policies on co-located workshops (e.g. SigDial), and many
budget issues. We got lots of help from lots of people, but if experts and
designated contact people could be specified in advance, it would be helpful.
- Budget and fees: Over the years, responsibility for preparing the conference
budget and setting fees has been shared among the various conference chairs and
the treasurer of the ACL or chapter. This needs to be clarified in the ACL
Conference handbook.
- Tax-exempt payments: A section should be added to the handbook about the
desirability of handling payments for the conference through some tax-exempt
organization. Christy and I had assumed that ACL was tax exempt and so
originally were not budgeting for tax; we are now hopefully getting Mitre to
handle payments since they are tax-exempt in Massachusetts.
- Registration: Holding the conference in early May may have lessened the
number of students who could attend. However, there were problems getting a
good hotel later. It is possible that this is a reason for the low submissions to the
Student Workshop. However, despite considerable efforts to advertise and
encourage submissions, only 12 (9 NLP and 3 IR or Speech) papers were
submitted, out of which 10 (7 NLP; 3 other) were accepted. This is a problem.
- Website: ACL needs to move its website to a commercial hosting service; this
was a problem when we started registration. In general, the conference handbook
needs to be clarified about all web issues wrt conferences. In addition, I would
recommend that any workshop that wants internet access should be able to get it,
without paying for it itself. This is 21st century :).
- Co-located but non-ACL-run workshops: ACL and NAACL have developed
certain practices over the years in dealing with co-located workshops. It would be
very helpful to have the sections in the conference handbook updated to reflect
these and that future general chairs follow them strictly. Future conferences
should offer to workshops two choices: either the workshop conforms completely
to ACL workshop guidelines or it is completely on its own. In addition, it would
be useful to make liaison with such conferences part of the Workshop Chair's
duties. There is too much duplication of effort otherwise. This would require a
change to the Handbook.
- Publications: Things went pretty smoothly despite several last minute changes,
one workshop getting its proceedings in very very very late, and Omnipress mis-
numbering the Companion volume (they reprinted the TOC to match their
numbering to fix this). The Publications Chairs handled all this extremely calmly.
If others have similar problems, perhaps future conferences might want to find
another press? Also, the publications software we now use needs better
documentation in order to take advantage of some of its features. This should be
an action item on perhaps for the NAACL exec.
(Return to top of HLT-NAACL report; return to top of minutes)
Local Arrangements Chair Report
Christine Doran, Mitre Corp, cdoran@mitre.com
MITRE was solicited for a bid to host HLT/NAACL 2004, and to the best of my
knowledge, our bid was the only one submitted. From the beginning, we were clear that
we wanted a downtown event, which meant a hotel, and the board expressed two major
concerns with that plan, based on previous problems with having the meeting in a hotel.
First, the cost of the hotel rooms, as Boston is an expensive city, and second, the issue of
committing to a block of hotel rooms.
We considered four hotels in downtown Boston, the Sheraton, the Park Plaza, the
Marriott and the Westin. The Park Plaza offered the best room rate ($169 when we
started negotiations) and after the site visit, there was a clear consensus that this hotel
would be the best fit for us, in terms of size, prize, location, amenities and character.
After quite a few rounds of negotiations, we agreed to a block of 1090 rooms at
$139/night for singles and $144 for doubles, and paid a token $1500 for all of our
meeting spaces. As of this writing, we have booked 1364 room nights.
The main downside with using a hotel was that we had to reserve our meeting spaces well
in advance of the event. We were able to make some last minutes moves and adjustment,
but for the most part were constrained by our early speculation as to how many and how
large our meeting rooms were. It remains to be seen how good these guesses were.
Banquet: We looked at several historic buildings and museums. We really liked the Fogg
Art Museum at Harvard, but it was very expensive to rent. We decided good and
plentiful food was more important than art, so we went instead with the Old South
Meeting House. The OSMH figures prominently in Boston's history, is walking distance
from the hotel and is a beautiful space. We spent the bulk of our banquet budget on food,
from a small local caterer.
Computers: We rented 10 PCs from a national chain, Rent-A-PC. They were used for the
2002 Philadelphia ACL meeting and came highly recommended.
Audio-Visual: We are using the hotel's in-house A/V company. We eventually negotiated
a significant discount with them (to match our other best bids), and felt the on-site
support would be valuable, despite some communications problems. It turns out that our
main contact person was in and out of the hospital while we were trying to finalize our
Finances: The handling of finances was a particularly confusing issue. It was only very
late in the process that we learned that the local arrangements folks typically handle the
bulk of the finances. It would have been useful to clearly specify at the beginning how
the money would flow for particular income and expenses.
Printing; We used MITRE's in-house publications and graphics people to do the graphics
for the bag, banner and thermos, and for copies of tutorial proceedings, etc.
(Return to top of HLT-NAACL report; return to top of minutes)
Program Committee Chairs Report
Susan Dumais, Microsoft Research, sdumais@microsoft.com
Daniel Marcu, ISI/USC, marcu@isi.usc.edu
Salim Roukos, IBM, roukos@us.ibm.com
1. Schedule
Nov 15, 2003 Submission deadline for Full papers
Jan 17, 2004 PC meeting
Jan 23, 2004 Notification accept/reject for Full papers
Feb 4, 2004 Submission deadline for Late-breaking short papers and posters
Mar 8, 2004 Notification accept/reject for Late-breaking short papers and
Mar 17, 2004 Camera-ready copy for Full papers, Late-breaking papers, Posters
May 2-7, 2004 Conference
2. Overview remarks
The co-chairs represent the three main fields covered by HLT/NAACL 2004 --- Susan
Dumais (IR), Daniel Marcu (NLP) and Salim Roukos (Speech). We divided a few tasks
like suggestions for reviewers and assignment to area chairs by discipline, but most tasks
cut across the disciplines. We divided the work roughly as follows, although everyone
responded to email and issues as they came up: Susan, early activities like recruiting,
paper templates, web info and final report; Daniel, review software, site management and
PC meeting hosting; Salim, publications and final schedule. This minimal coordination
worked well in general.
3. Paper reviewing process
We think the paper reviewing process went very well. Despite the early deadline, the
quality of full-paper submissions was very high. We think this is largely due to the
quality of makeup of the program committee, and the growing recognition of
HLT/NAACL as an outlet for good work at the intersection of NLP, IR and Speech.
Reviewing was done using a two-tiered system, Area Chairs and Reviewers. Twenty
Area Chairs were responsible for a topical area and coordinated the reviewing process
(recruiting reviewers, assigning papers to reviewers, managing reviews and attending the
PC meeting) in those areas. The Area Chairs are listed at the end of this section. The
same review committee handled both Long papers (8 pages) and Late-breaking papers
and posters (4 pages). The Co-Chairs made an initial assignment of submissions to Area
There was a face-to-face PC meeting for Long papers. Because of the different
backgrounds of participants, we spent the first hour in a calibration process, looking at
top-middle-and bottom papers from each discipline. This worked well, and made many
of the subsequent discussions easier. Final decisions for Late-breaking papers were
made by conference call. Some Late-breaking papers were selected to be presented
orally and others as posters. Reviewing for both Full and Late-breaking papers was
blind. In cases where PC or Area Chairs were authors of a paper or papers were from
their institution or former students or collaborators, others handled the reviewing process;
persons with any conflict of interest left the room during discussions of a paper and these
persons had no influence on the paper's final disposition, both for Long and Short
Because of the conference time of early May, submissions were due in the fall, which is a
busy time for other conferences as well. Long paper reviewing was carried out over the
Dec/Jan holidays, but it worked out pretty well. Late-breaking papers were due after the
decisions for Long papers were announced, thus allowing people to resubmit if desired
(and, in fact, some were encouraged to do so by the initial reviewers). The turn-around
time for Late-breaking papers was tight. There was only one month between the
submission deadline and notification, and only ten days between notification and final
camera-ready papers were due, but things worked smoothly.
Daniel handled the selection and ongoing maintenance of the reviewing software, which
was quite a task. He selected the START conference reviewing software. In general the
software worked well, although there was some inflexibility which we had to work
around. The main issue had to do with sharing of files by Area Chairs. Because there
was some overlap of areas, sub-groups wanted to share responsibilities, but this was
difficult to do explicitly. Overall, the reviewing software was adequate and the customer
support outstanding. Some additional functionality would be desired, but that is true for
any software tool. Most of the problems in using the software package occurred because
the PC chairs and area chairs did not put sufficient time into reading the associated
documentation in advance. We recommend using this software package for future
HLT/NAACL conferences.
Based on the distribution of submissions from last year, we selected twenty area chairs.
Some area chairs covered the same nominal area, which we did to balance the anticipated
load. We could have chosen to further sub-divide some areas like Information retrieval,
but this seemed risky given the difficulties in predicting the nature of submissions. Most
of the Area Chairs have pretty broad backgrounds which provided us added flexibility in
managing submissions. In general the load balancing worked pretty well, and we tried to
assign roughly 10 Long Papers and 5 Short Papers to each Area Chair. We could have
used another Area Chair in Discourse/Dialog and Syntax/Semantics, and one fewer in
Learning and Information Retrieval. There were more Speech papers submitted as
Short Papers than Long Papers.
Based on the high quality of submissions, we decided to present a Best Paper Award.
The paper we selected received all 5's from reviewers and the area chair. The entire PC
reviewed the paper, and thought that it represented a strong mix of theory and practice
and was deserving of the award. The Best Paper Award for HLT/NAACL 2004 is
awarded to: Catching the drift: Probabilistic content models, with applications to
generation and summarization, Regina Barzilay (MIT) and Lillian Lee (Cornell
We invited two Keynote Speakers, both of whom apply HLT tools and techniques to
large-scale, commercial applications. The first keynote address by Dr. Andrei Broder,
entitled "Ten years of Web Search Technology", will give an overview the evolution of
web search over the past decade, how users' expectations are evolving based on their use
of web search technology, and implications of this work in the enterprise search arena.
The second keynote address by Dr. Jill Burstein, entitled "Automated Essay Evaluation:
From NLP research through deployment as a business", will describe the development of
technology for automatic essay evaluation and its deployment as a business.
The Area Chairs, Affiliations (Area) were:
Srinivas Bangalore, AT&T Labs (Syntax/Semantics)
Charlie Clarke, University of Waterloo (Information retrieval)
Sadaoki Furui, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Speech)
Jim Glass, MIT (Speech)
Joshua Goodman, Microsoft Research (Language modeling/Learning)
Warren Greiff, MITRE (Information retrieval)
Ralph Grishman, NYU (Information extraction)
Sanda Harabagiu, University of Texas, Dallas (Question answering)
Don Hindle, Primus Knowledge Systems (Syntax/Semantics)
Candy Kamm, FxPal (Discourse and dialog)
Inderjeet Mani, Georgetown University (Generation and summarization)
Andrew McCallum, University of Massachusetts (Language modeling/Learning)
Kathy McKeown, Columbia University (Generation and summarization)
Bob Moore, Microsoft Research (Machine translation)
Hermann Ney, RWTH Aachen (Machine translation)
Doug Oard, University of Maryland (Information retrieval)
Kishore Papineni, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (Machine translation)
John Prager, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (Question answering)
Brian Roark, AT&T Labs (Syntax/Semantics)
Roni Rosenfeld, CMU (Language modeling/Learning)
4. Summary of paper quality and acceptances
The number of submissions increased only slightly over last year, and the quality of
submissions was excellent. We received 168 submissions for full papers, of which 43
were accepted, resulting in a highly competitive acceptance rate of 26%. (Thirty-nine
submissions received an average score of 4.0 or higher, on a reviewing scale of 1 to 5.)
In addition, we received 84 submissions for the late-breaking papers track, of which 40
were accepted. Half of the short papers are presented as short talks and others as posters.
5. Publications
The distribution of work for putting together the proceedings and the online schedule
could be improved. Working with two proceedings chairs (one for Full papers and one
for Late-breaking papers) and a web master complicates the logistics. More
importantly, exactly who needed what information and when it was needed was not clear.
We started getting requests for the final lists and schedule before the Late-breaking
papers had been decided on. It would also have been ideal to have a single agreed upon
format for the information so that everyone was working from the same data source.
With many slightly different versions/formats, there are several errors that get introduced.
And, it would have been good to allow authors to review the information that was going
to appear in the proceedings and CDs ahead of time.
6. Areas for Improvement
We did our best to merge the different goals of the communities, and we think we
succeeded for the most part. We also worked hard to solicit involvement from all of the
associated communities, and we are especially pleased about the interdisciplinary nature
of many of the papers. As the conference becomes better known, we hope to see this
trend continue. We feel that, although there is room for improvement, the HLT/NAACL
merge was a success in attracting high quality work and in bridging gaps, and hope to see
it continue next year.
Most of our decisions had to be approved by a large and diverse committee representing
NAACL, HLT, ISCA, and SIGIR, as well as different government sponsors of HLT
research. The situation was cumbersome at times, but usually issues were resolved
within a few days. Minimizing the number of issues that the committee needs to
approve would streamline the process.
We were invited to help in organizing HLT/NAACL 2004 in early June 2003. This is
somewhat later than desirable since the call for participation, and recruiting of reviewers
needed to take place very quickly. It would have been better to do this before the
HLT/NAACL 2003 meeting, so initial observations and coordination could have started
at the preceding conference.
7. Profiles of Submissions
Below we summarize the makeup of the Full paper and Late-breaking paper submissions,
in terms of international representation and in terms of topic distributions.
The keywords were selected from a pre-defined list by the contact author.
----- Full Paper Keywords -----
Number of submissions: 168
Number of acceptances: 43
Average number of keywords per paper: 3.0
Keyword counts:
10 Anaphora resolution
3 Cross language information retrieval
11 Dialogue structure and dialogue systems
13 Discourse
21 Evaluation
22 Human Language Applications
27 Information extraction
20 Information retrieval
9 Language generation
19 Language modeling
25 Lexical and knowledge acquisition
18 Lexicons and ontologies
26 Machine translation of speech and text
2 Message and narrative understanding systems
5 Morphology
17 Multilingual processing
4 Multimodal representations and processing
11 Natural language interfaces
18 Other
18 Parsing
2 Phonology
1 Pragmatics
13 Question answering
5 Rich transcription
23 Semantics
13 Speech recognition
72 Statistical and learning techniques
1 Style
10 Summarization
13 Syntax
19 Tagging
1 Text planning
2 Text to speech
21 Tools and resources
12 Treebanks, proposition banks, and frame banks
Full papers, countries (of contact author only):
1 Brazil
5 Canada
1 China
1 Czechoslovakia
1 Denmark
1 France
8 Germany
1 Greece
1 Hong Kong
1 India
3 Ireland
2 Italy
11 Japan
0 Mexico
0 New Zealand
1 Portugal
0 South Korea
0 Spain
1 Sweden
1 Thailand
11 UK
117 US
------ Short Paper Keywords ---------------
Number of submissions: 84
Number of acceptances: 39 (20 oral presentation; 19 poster presentation)
Average number of keywords per submission: 3.1
Keyword counts:
1 Anaphora resolution
4 Cross language information retrieval
9 Dialogue structure and dialogue systems
7 Discourse
8 Evaluation
14 Human Language Applications
15 Information extraction
15 Information retrieval
2 Language generation
16 Language modeling
6 Lexical and knowledge acquisition
6 Lexicons and ontologies
4 Machine translation of speech and text
2 Message and narrative understanding systems
2 Morphology
7 Multilingual processing
5 Multimodal representations and processing
6 Natural language interfaces
11 Other
6 Parsing
2 Phonology
1 Pragmatics
2 Question answering
9 Rich transcription
13 Semantics
20 Speech recognition
30 Statistical and learning techniques
5 Summarization
4 Syntax
7 Tagging
1 Text planning
2 Text to speech
11 Tools and resources
5 Treebanks, proposition banks, and frame banks
Short papers, countries (of contact author only):
0 Brazil
0 Canada
0 China
0 Czechoslovakia
0 Denmark
1 France
0 Germany
1 Greece
3 Hong Kong
0 India
1 Ireland
1 Italy
5 Japan
1 Mexico
1 New Zealand
0 Portugal
1 South Korea
1 Spain
3 Sweden
0 Thailand
1 UK
63 US
----- Roll Ups (NLP, IR, Speech, All) for Keywords -----
Attached spreadsheet allows variation in assignment of area to keyword
Short Submissions
Anaphora resolution
Cross language information retrieval
NLP Speech
Dialogue structure and dialogue systems
Human Language Applications
Information extraction
Information retrieval
Language generation
Language modeling
Lexical and knowledge acquisition
Lexicons and ontologies
Machine translation of speech and text
Message and narrative understanding systems
Multilingual processing
Multimodal representations and processing
Natural language interfaces
Question answering
Rich transcription
Speech recognition
Statistical and learning techniques
Text planning
Text to speech
Tools and resources
Treebanks, proposition banks, and frame banks
Roll Ups
Long Submissions; Short Submissions
237 101 NLP
46 26 IR
52 35 Speech
206 112 All
----- Roll Ups (NLP, IR, Speech, All) for Keywords -----
Attached spreadsheet allows variation in assignment of area to keyword
Long Submissions; Short Submissions'; Area Chair
13 6 NLP Srinivas Bangalore, AT&T Labs (Syntax/Semantics)
8 4 IR Charlie Clarke, University of Waterloo (Information retrieval)
6 9 Speech Sadaoki Furui, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Speech)
6 9 Speech Jim Glass, MIT (Speech)
7 6 NLP IR Joshua Goodman, Microsoft Research (Language modeling/Learning)
7 3 IR Warren Greiff, MITRE (Information retrieval)
10 4 NLP Ralph Grishman, NYU (Information extraction)
10 2 NLP IR Sanda Harabagiu, University of Texas, Dallas (Question answering)
13 2 NLP Don Hindle, Primus Knowledge Systems (Syntax/Semantics)
14 NLP Speech Candy Kamm, FxPal (Discourse and dialog)
8 3 NLP Inderjeet Mani, Georgetown University (Generation and summarization)
7 6 IR Andrew McCallum, University of Massachusetts (Language modeling/Learning)
8 3 NLP Kathy McKeown, Columbia University (Generation and summarization)
7 2 NLP Bob Moore, Microsoft Research (Machine translation)
6 0 NLP Hermann Ney, RWTH Aachen (Machine translation)
5 5 IR Doug Oard, University of Maryland (Information retrieval)
7 2 NLP/Speech Kishore Papineni, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (Machine translation)
9 2 NLP IR John Prager, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (Question answering)
12 3 NLP Brian Roark, AT&T Labs (Syntax/Semantics)
5 5 NLP Roni Rosenfeld, CMU (Language modeling/Learning)
168 83
Roll Ups
Long Submissions; Short Submissions
129 47 NLP
53 28 IR
33 27 Speech
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Student Workshop Chairs Report
Student organizers:
Nicola Stokes, University College, Dublin
Karen Livescu, MIT
Ani Nenkova, Columbia University
Faculty co-advisors:
Amanda Stent, Stony Brook University
Eric Fosler-Lussier, Ohio State University
Lisa Ballesteros, Mount Holyoke College
Responsibilities of the student organizers:
Advertise the workshop
Contact reviewers and panelists
Manage reviewing and make acceptance/rejection decisions
Contact with authors
Responsibilities of the faculty advisors:
NSF funding for authors to attend the workshop
Advising the organizers
Number of papers submitted: 12 (9 NLP, 3 IR/speech/other
Number of papers accepted: 10 (7 NLP, 3 IR/speech/other)
1 paper was received too late for consideration.
We received NSF funding: One author per paper is funded to attend the
Comments from the organizers:
1) The workshop is a lot of work. Multiple student organizers are definitely needed.
2) This is the second HLT/NAACL student workshop, and for the second time the
number of submissions was low. In addition to advertising through ACL mailing lists,
the organizers contacted universities directly by email, but this did not seem to help.
Consequently, the acceptance rate was high. One organizer commented:
"I can see two reasons for such a small number of submissions--1) HLT has the short
paper session, as well and a demo session, so many people prefer to submit there rather
than at a separate student workshop. 2) the usual set-up of student/advisor relationship in
the USA makes it very difficult for the student to have a publication without their
advisor, thus the student session is not an option (and this is also why the short
paper/poster session will be preferred)."
We think that perhaps if funding was guaranteed, and could therefore be widely
publicized with the CFP, there might be more submissions. However, this would not be
easy to achieve. The low number of submissions is a big problem for the student
3) There are too many faculty advisors, and their roles are not clear.
4) It would be nice to get reviewer suggestions from the program chairs for the main
Comments from the faculty advisors:
1) NSF funding is important for the student workshop. However, there is some tension
here: NSF is primarily interested in funding domestic students, but HLT might like to
attract international students to the student workshop (and it is expensive to bring these
students here).
2) One author was unable to get a visa. The short time period between paper acceptance
and the conference is not a help here.
3) The roles of the faculty advisors were not always clear, so sometimes responses to the
organizers were delayed because all advisors were waiting for someone else to offer
advice first, not wanting to step on anyone's toes. (Note from Amanda: I should have
delineated clear lines of responsibility.) However, there is too much work for one faculty
advisor, when the need to get funding is taken into account.
4) The student organizers did a wonderful job. They collected papers, communicated
with the authors, coordinated the reviewing, collected the results and made the final
decisions about acceptance/rejection. They also spent a long time communicating with
potential panelists. Special thanks to Ani for contacting panelists, to Karen for collecting
and collating reviews, and to Nicola for setting up the schedule.
Advice for future organizers/advisors:
1) Start on the proposal early, as many questions will have to be sorted out (money
required for the room, for proceedings etc.).
2) Start collecting reviewers and panelists early.
3) In order to increase the number of submissions, it is important to advertise widely and
often. Also, consider ways to increase the prestige of the student session so that more
people will submit.
4) Make a firm policy regarding international students, especially whether there will be
more funding for an international paper than for a domestic one (and where it will come
5) Picking a day when a good audience can be expected is a guessing game. We chose
the [tutorial] day, the day before the conference. However, other student
workshops/sessions are during the main conference.
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Publications Chairs Report
Miles Osborne, Edinburgh University
Katrin Kirchoff, University of Washington
Gina Levow, University of Chicago
In summary, things went smoothly. We divided the task into three: Gina dealt with
workshop related matters, Katrin with the second volume and I dealt with the main
volume, CDROM and overall co-ordination. This division of labour worked well.
Our job was considerably eased by Drago's help and availability of scripts to (semi)
automate the task. Additionally, creating a mailing list helped communicating with 20+
All told, I probably spent a week of my time on publications. Most of this time was spent
on creating hardcopy details for the main volume and answering many email queries. I
also re-organised the publications software a little, bugfixed and wrote detailed
HOWTO instructions.
One problem encountered was timing. I should have given all workshop organisers an
earlier deadline and so would have allowed more time for me to assemble the CDROM
properly. The CDROM contains all information, so it can only be created when everyone
is done. This year, although I had most material a few days before the courier was due to
pick everything up, I was still receiving material 15 minutes before I was due to burn it!
Also, at least one workshop only started the publication process on the very last day.
This caused Gina a lot of needless work.
Omnipress are good publishers and proved helpful: they should be used for next year.
(JH: One major problem occurred the week before the conference: Omnipress contacted
us frantic because they had misnumbered the pages in the companion volume.
Everything had already been printed when they discovered that the table of contents,
which we had provided, was not followed in the numbering of paper pages. They asked
for the TOC and renumbered it to correspond to the numbering of the papers and
reprinted those TOC pages, so hopefully this will all be fine. They did respond to this
problem (which was entirely their fault) swiftly.)
--Miles Osborne
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Tutorial Chairs Report
Alex Acero, Microsoft Research
Jamie Callan, CMU
Andy Kehler, UCSD
We went into this year's tutorial planning with a target of six tutorials, to be spread as
evenly as possible over the three areas of Speech Processing, Information Retrieval, and
Text Processing, and with a hope of attracting some that tied two or more of these
together. We received nine submissions as a result of the call and
direct solicitations.
1. Finite-state Language Processing
Shuly Winter
2. Graphical Models in Speech and Language Research
Jeff Bilmes
3. Statistical Language Models and Information Retrieval
ChengXiang Zhai
4. Large-Scale Spoken Document Retrieval
Pedro J. Moreno and Jean Manuel Van Thong
5. What's New in Statistical Machine Translation
Kevin Knight and Philipp Koehn
6. Semantic Inference for Question Answering
Sanda Harabagiu and Srini Narayanan
Three proposals were rejected due to topic overlap considerations or concerns about the
size of the potential audience. Proposals 3, 4, and 8 were the result of direct solicitation,
the remainder responded to the call. This left our target number of 6, which achieved a
good spread over the three areas of interest, with several achieving coverage of more than
one area. In one or two cases, we encouraged presenters to include additional material so
that more than one of the three areas would be represented. Proposal 4 originally had a
different title and three presenters; we suggested a change in title and a reduction in
presenters to one or two. In their post-mortems, the HLT and NAACL Executive
Committees might want to evaluate our approach to selecting tutorials, and give explicit
guidance to next year's Tutorial Chairs on how to balance expected draw with other
The main difficulty we had this year was getting the requested materials from presenters
in accordance with the deadlines specified in the call and in their acceptance letters.
Blurbs in ASCII and HTML were due on Feb 15, but additional reminders had to be sent
after that date. (There was also a significant delay between the time this material was
submitted to the webmaster and when it appeared on the conference website.) The
deadline for submitting tutorial slides for reproduction was originally March 17, which
none of the presenters met. This deadline was extended to March 31, with several
presenters still missing it. Finally after an ultimatum was issued for an April 15 deadline,
we received the last of them on that date. In retrospect, the original deadline of March 17
was probably too early to have expected presenters to be done with their slides, so in the
future we'd recommend a date that is closer to the conference, coupled with timely
reminders sent to the presenters.
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Workshop Chairs Report
Richard Sproat, University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana
Bhuvana Ramabhadran, IBM T. J. Watson Research
Alan Smeaton, Dublin City Universtiy
1. Submissions
We received 11 workshop proposal submissions, of which we accepted 10. The one reject
was rejected because it was felt that the proposal was too sketchy.
2. Accepted Workshops and Projected Attendance
After the paper submission deadline, the following two workshops were merged due to
lower than expected submissions:
- Spoken Language Understanding for Conversational Systems
- Higher-Level Linguistic and Other Knowledge for Automatic Speech Processing
The combined workshop is listed as WS9 below.
There were 3 day workshops and six one day workshops. Projected attendance at each of
these workshops, based on registrations as of April 13, 2004, is given in parentheses after
each workshop:
CoNLL-2004: Eighth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Thursday and Friday May 6 and 7, 2004
Workshop on Pragmatics of Question Answering
Thursday and Friday May 6 and 7, 2004
Document Understanding Conference 2004
Thursday and Friday May 6 and 7, 2004
Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotation
Thursday May 6, 2004
Workshop on Computational Lexical Semantics
Thursday May 6, 2004
Second International Workshop on Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU
Thursday May 6, 2004
Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Speech Indexing and Retrieval
Thursday May 6, 2004
Linking Biological Literature, Ontologies and Databases: Tools for Users
Thursday May 6, 2004
Spoken Language Understanding for Conversational Systems and Higher-Level
Linguistic Knowledge for Automatic Speech Processing
Friday May 7, 2004
(Return to top of HLT-NAACL report; return to top of minutes)
Demo Chairs Report
Joseph Polifroni, Unveil Technologies
David Palmer, Virage
Deb Roy, MIT Media Lab
We received a total of 22 submissions for the demo session. We accepted 19 demos, with
one withdrawal.
As of the deadline for submission, we had 20 demo proposals. After sending out targeted
inquiries to approximately 10 sites, we received two more proposals.
Overall, we think we have a good balance among IR/Summarization type demos,
speech/dialogue demos, translation demos and what I'm calling NL demos (i.e., NL-
flavored demos that weren't as systems-oriented as the other demos).
The one area in which we are weak is speech synthesis, although several of the
speech/dialogue demos have synthesis systems embedded within them.
We targeted several synthesis sites and sent email inquiries, but the people involved
either didn't respond or couldn't travel to Boston at the time of the conference.
After sending out acceptances, we solicited papers for each system and received 12
papers in response (indicated with (P) below next to the demo system). These papers,
which describe the demo systems will appear in the final proceedings.
For the demo plenary session, which has a 45-minute time slot and is being shared with
an awards presentation, we selected 2 demos, "ITSPOKE: An Intelligent Tutoring
Spoken Dialogue System," from the University of Pittsburgh, and "A Thai Speech
Translation System for Medical Dialogs," from Carnegie Mellon University. In addition
to these two demos, the demo co-chairs will present an overview of the demos to be
presented in the session, based on input from each presenter.
Below is the total list demo [acceptances], divided by area.
Alias-I ThreatTrackers
Breck Baldwin and Bob Carpenter
Columbia Newsblaster: Multilingual News Summarization on the Web
David Kirk Evans, Judith L. Klavans, Kathleen R. McKeown
FASIL Email Summarisation System
Angelo Dalli, Yunqing Xia, Yorick Wilks
MiTAP for SARS Detection
Laurie Damianos, Samuel Bayer, Michael A. Chisholm, John Henderson, Lynette
Hirschman, William Morgan, Marc Ubaldino, Guido Zarrella, James M. Wilson, Marat
Multilingual Video and Audio News Alerting
David D. Palmer, Patrick Bray, Marc Reichman, Katherine Rhodes, Noah White, Andrew
Merlino, Francis Kubala
A Scaleable Multi-document Centroid-based Summarizer
Dragomir Radev, Timothy Allison, Matthew Craig, Stanko Dimitrov, Omer Kareem,
Michael Topper, Adam Winkel, Jin Yi
Demonstrations of Perceptive Animated Agents that Teach Children to Read and Learn
from Text
Ronald Cole, Sarel van Vuuren, Bryan Pellom, Kadri Hacioglu, Wayne Ward, Dan
Jurafsky, Jiyong Ma, Jie Yan, Justin Post, Nattawut Ngampatipatpong, Jariya
Tuantranont, Javier Movellan, Marian Bartlett Stewart
A Framework for Developing Conversational User Interfaces
Eugene Weinstein, Scott Cyphers, James Glass, Grace Chung
ITSPOKE: An Intelligent Tutoring Spoken Dialogue System
Diane J. Litman and Scott Silliman
Spoken Dialogue for Simulation Control and Conversational Tutoring
Elizabeth Owen Bratt, Karl Schultz, Brady Clark
A Thai Speech Translation System for Medical Dialogs
Tanja Schultz, Dorcas Alexander, Alan W. Black, Kay Peterson, Sinaporn Suebvisai,
Alex Waibel
Language Weaver Arabic-to-English Demo
Alex Fraser, Laurie Gerber, Kevin Knight, Daniel Marcu, Franz Josef Och, William
Limited-Domain Speech-to-Speech Translation between English and Pashto
Kristin Precoda, Horacio Franco, Ascander Dost, Michael Frandsen, John Fry, Andreas
Kathol, Colleen Richey, Susanne Riehemann, Dimitra Vergyri, Jing Zheng, Chris Culy
Open Text Semantic Parsing Using FrameNet and WordNet
Lei Shi and Rada Mihalcea
SenseClusters - Finding Clusters that Represent Word Senses
Amruta Purandare and Ted Pedersen
Use and Acquisition of Semantic Language Model
Kuansan Wang, Ye-Yi Wang, Alex Acero
A Visually-Oriented, Context-Engaged Language Learning and Communication Aid
Rupal Patel and Sam Pilato
WordNet::Similarity - Measuring the Relatedness of Concepts
Ted Pedersen, Siddharth Patwardhan, Jason Michelizzi
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Sponsorship and Exhibits Chairs Report
Roberto Pieraccini, IBM. T.J.Watson Research Center
Douglas Jones, MIT, Lincoln Labs
Between October and November 2003 we contacted 48 research and commercial
organizations and 8 publishers (shown in the table below) from a list that was initially
provided by Deborah Dahl, former sponsorship chair of ACL 2002, and integrated with
new entries.
Ectaco SRA Kluwer Academic Publishers YY Software
Loquendo IBM BBN Motorola
Hughes Ontology Works West Group Springer-Verlag
ELRA AskJeeves Microsoft cogentex
iPhrase Sun Lawrence Erlbaum Intelligent Information Systems
BabelTech InfoSpace (locus dialog) Boeing Nuance
Inxight MIT Press Xerox PARC University of Chicago Press
General Electric Apptek Microsoft eMotion
LDC Teragram Morgan Kaufman Daimler-Benz
Lexis-Nexis Intel (China) AT&T Philips
SemanticEdge John Benjamins XRCE Neospeech
Google ARDA Mitsubishi Homeland Security
Systran Transclick Oxford University Press Edify
alias-i Lockheed Martin Canon Scansoft
Publisher were asked whether they wanted to have an exhibit table; we offered them the
option of sending the material, with no people from the publisher company actually
attending the event, and having a student take care of arranging the exhibit and collecting
the order. The 48 research and commercial organizations were offered the following
sponsorship levels:
- Gold $10,000
- Silver $5,000
- Bronze $1000
- Sponsor $500
The benefits offered to the sponsors were as follows:
- All sponsors will receive:
- Display of their logos on the conference website and proceedings
- Display of their logos on signage at all conference events
- Space to insert a short description of their companies and their products
into the Exhibits/Sponsors brochure, which will be given to all the conference
Additional Gold Sponsor benefits include:
- Free exhibit space for your organization
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- The sponsor's logo printed on the conference tote bags (providing we receive the
sponsorship commitment in time)
Additional Silver Sponsorship level benefits include:
- Free exhibit space for your organization
- One complimentary conference registration
- the sponsor's logo printed on the conference tote bags (providing we receive the
sponsorship commitment in time)
Additional Bronze level benefits include:
- One complimentary conference registration
- The sponsor's logo printed on the conference tote bags (providing we receive the
sponsorship commitment in time)
Among the organization that responded to the request, 10 committed to actually sponsor
the conference for a total of $25,000. IBM sponsored the Student Party with its funding.
ACM and MIT press will send publishing material that will be shown at the exhibit. The
general program chair conferred with the NAACL exec / HLT board to extend
complimentary exhibit space to bronze sponsors as a one-time offer. MITRE was also
encourage to use free exhibit space as an in-kind response for Christy Doran's time spent
for local arrangements.
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Publicity Chairs Report
Shri Narayanan USC
Peter Anick, Overture
Peter Heeman, OHSU
The publicity chairs have two major roles:
- International: Disseminating information about the conference (calls for papers,
etc.) to the largest possible appropriate technical audience
- Local: Accessing and bringing in the press at the time of the conference
The Publicity chairs focused on pre-conference publicity through email lists, hard-copy
posters, and endorsements.
Email lists: email was sent for the Conference Announcement, Call for Tutorial
Proposals, Call for Papers, Student Call for Papers, Workshop Call for Papers. They
were sent to the ISCA newsletter (editor Chris Wellekens), ACL mailing list (via
Priscilla Rasmussen), the IEEE Speech Technical Committee Newsletter (editor Richard
Rose), SIGIR-ANNOUNCE mailing list and the IR-LIST.
Posters: We produced hard-copy posters for the conference, modeled after the ASRU
2003 poster. Members of the Organizing Committee were asked to distribute copies of
the posters. The posters were mailed out in mid-November, and mailed to academic,
industry laboratories both in the USA and abroad.
Endorsement: were received from SIGIR and ISCA.
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