NAACL Regional Americas Fund
In June 2010 the NAACL Executive Board decided to form the Regional Americas Fund by merging two small funds programs created in 2009: the Latin American Fund and the Regional Conferences Fund. This fund is intended to assist the creation of a larger and more cohesive Computational Linguistics community in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to enhance regional interactions among students and researchers anywhere in the Americas. The Regional Americas Fund was known as the “Emerging Regions Fund” until January 2021.
Examples of proposals that might help to build community in the Americas:
- Regional conferences or workshops
- Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics classes at colleges and universities
- Student participation in conferences, summer schools, and NLP/CL competitions.
Financial support could be used for materials, broadcasting/streaming, archiving/hosting, travel, or anything else that communities may find useful. Other proposals are welcomed! Note that this fund is not intended to support student travel to the main NAACL-HLT conference, as there is a separate fund available for that purpose. NAACL will not support travel to or from locations outside of the Americas.
Proposals will be evaluated by a committee consisting of members of the NAACL Executive Board. Awardees must provide a post-facto report. Proposals may be submitted in any preferred language, as long as an English translation is also provided.
There is a Google Group related to NAACL activites in Latin America and the Caribbean: NAACL-Latin-America
Call for Proposals
Past Awardees
- 2023
- $1500 to Christopher Clarke and Jason Mars of University of Michigan / University of Guyana, to support corpus creation of Caribean creole language data sets
- $2000 to Raimundo Moura of Federal University of Piauí, Brazil, to support student travel to the TiLIC workshop
- $1500 to Mauricio Mazuecos of Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, to support the 2nd Argentinian NLP workshop
- $1500 to Pastor Lopez of Mathematics Research Center Mexico, to support student travel and attendance at a workshop on data processing held in Guanajuato
- $1500 to Juan Antonio Lossio-Ventura of Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico City, MX, for travel for students to the SIMBig conference
- $1000 to Jorge Andres Alvarado Valencia of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, to support student attendance at an NLP summer school in Bogota
- $2200 to Leidiana Freitas of Brasileiras em PLN (BPLN), to support female student travel to STIL in Brazil
- $3000 to Claudio Gutierrez and Antonios Anastasopoulos of Universidad de Chile and GMU, to support travel and attendance of students at Chilean indigenous language hackathon
- 2022
- Edgar Altszyler, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: 1st Argentinean NLP workshop
- Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico: annotating Hate Speech data in social media texts in Spanish and English
- Laura Alonso Alemany, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina: public challenge to provide counternarratives for hate speech
- Blanda Mello, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil: BARNLP: Building up an Academic Research journey on NLP workshop
- Juan Antonio Lossio-Ventura, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru: SIMBig: International Conference on Information Management and Big Data
- André V. Lopes Coneglian, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil: Portuguese online dependency syntax course
- 2021
- Helena de Medeiros Caseli, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
- Francis Tyers, Indiana University, USA
- Evandro L. T. P. Cunha, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
- 2020
- Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) for NLP course development in Portuguese
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) for workshop on open corpora (OpenCor) attendance support
- Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia) for virtual NLP conference (CILCC) support
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru) for summer school attendance support (Peruvian native languages focus)
- 2019
- Helena Caseli - Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) and Cláudia Freitas - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), $1000 for Student Registration for TILic attendance
- Arturo Oncevay, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), $1000 for Student travel to MT Summer School in Lima, Peru and parallel Corpora creation for peruvian native languages
- Adrián Pastor Lopez-Monroy, Mathematics Research Center (CIMAT), Guanajuato, $1000 for Student travel to PLAGAA workshop in Guanajuato
- 2018
- Universidade de São Paulo (Group of Computational Linguistics), $1000 to Support GLiC student participation at NLP events in Latin America
- First International Meeting for Artificial Intelligence and its Applications (RIIAA@MEX), $1000 to Support student registration for RIIAA@MEX
- Universidad del Pacifico / SIMBig, $1000 of Student travel grants to attend the SIMBig conference in Peru
- 2017
- Gabriel Quiroz, Research Group in Translation and New Technologies-TNT, School of Languages, University of Antioquia (Colombia), $1500 to support a new Fall School for students to get introduced to NLP in Colombia.
- Ximena Gutierrez, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), $1500 to create a workshop focused on introducing students to NLP and encouraging them (through small projects) to use NLP to research under-resourced indigenous Mexican languages
- 2016
- Tiago Torrent, The Federal University of Juiz de Fora, $1500 to support a theme session of Computational Semantics with Frames and Constructions
- Ruth Rubio, The Instituto Caro y Cuervo and Universidad Nacional de Colombia, $1500 for the organization of a national meeting of researchers of Computational Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics
- 2015
- IV Student Workshop on Information and Language Technology (TILic) (co-located with STIL) (Brazil), $1500 to fund undergraduate students
- STIL (Brazil), $1500 to fund travel for an invited speaker from North America
- 2014
- NLP Hackathon in Mexico, $1500 to support the travel of 10 participants
- PROPOR (Brazil), $1500 to support student participation
- 2013
- TILic 2013, $1500 to fund 16 students to attend TILic
Fondo de la NAACL para Regiones Americanas [1]
En la junta de Junio 2010, la mesa directiva de la NAACL decidió combinar dos programas de pequeños fondos creados en 2009 (el Fondo Latinoamericano y el Fondo de Conferencias Regionales) para formar el Fondo para Regiones Americanas. Este fondo tiene la intención de fortalecer la comunidad de Lingüística Computacional (LC) en América Latina y el Caribe, y fomentar interacciónes regionales entre estudiantes e investigadores en cualquier parte de las Américas.
Ejemplos de propuestas que pueden ayudar a fomentar comunidad en las Américas:
- Congresos o workshops regionales.
- Clases de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN) y Lingüística Computacional en facultades y universidades.
- Participación de estudiantes en congresos, escuelas de verano, y competiciones de PLN/LC
El apoyo económico podría utilizarse para compra de materiales, difusión/streaming, alojamiento/hosting, viajes, o cualquier otra cosa que las comunidades consideren útil. Agradeceremos también otras propuestas.
Téngase en cuenta que este fondo no está destinado a apoyar el viaje de estudiantes al congreso NAACL-HLT, ya que existe un fondo específico para ese propósito. Asimismo, NAACL no apoyará viajes a o desde lugares fuera de las Américas.
Las propuestas serán evaluadas por un comité formado por miembros de la Junta Directiva de NAACL, y las personas agraciadas deberán entregar un informe final. Las propuestas pueden enviarse en cualquier lengua, siempre que se proporcione también una traducción al inglés.
Hay un grupo en Google relacionado con actividades en América Latina y el Caribe: NAACL-Latin-America
Convocatoria de Propuestas
Fundo da NAACL para Regiões Americanas [2]
Em seu encontro em Junho de 2010, o conselho executivo da NAACL decidiu unir dois programas pequenos de financiamento criados em 2009 (o Fundo Latino-americano e o Fundo para Conferências Regionais) para formar o Fundo para Regiões Americanas. Esse fundo destina-se a apoiar a criação de uma comunidade de Linguística Computacional maior e mais coesa na América Latina e a aumentar as interações regionais entre estudantes e pesquisadores das Américas.
Exemplos de propostas que podem ajudar a estabelecer comunidades de pesquisa podem incluir apoio financeiro para conferências ou workshops regionais, ou requisitar apoio financeiro ou material para cursos de Processamento de Linguagem Natural e Linguística Computacional em universidades na América Latina. Além disso, a NAACL tem uma longa tradição de apoiar a participação de estudantes em conferências, escolas de verão e competições da área, e daria grande prioridade a esse tipo de esforço na América Latina ou em eventos regionais nas Américas. Note que este fundo não se destina a apoiar viagens de estudantes a conferências da NAACL HLT, pois há outro fundo específico para este fim.
As propostas serão avaliadas por um comitê consistindo de membros do conselho executivo da NAACL.
Há um grupo do Google relacionado às atividades da NAACL na América do Sul: NAACL-Latin-America
Chamada de Propostas
Fonds NAACL pour les Régions Américaines [3]
L’objectif du Fonds NAACL pour les Régions Américaines est de renforcer la communauté de linguistique informatique en Amérique Latine, et d’améliorer les intéractions régionales entre les étudiants et les chercheurs partout dans les Amériques.
NAACL reconnaît que chaque région a des besoins et des préoccupations spécifiques, et nous sommes donc ouverts à toute proposition, sous réserve que ces récompenses soient destinées à soutenir des individus, des institutions ou des événements situés dans les Amériques.
Exemples de propositions qui pourraient aider à bâtir une communauté dans les Amériques:
- Conférences ou ateliers régionaux
- Cours de traitement du langage naturel (TAL) et de linguistique informatique (LI) dans les collèges et universités.
- Participation des étudiants aux conférences, aux écoles d’été et aux compétitions de TAL/LI
Le soutien financier pourra être utilisé pour du matériel, la diffusion / streaming, l’archivage / hébergement, voyages ou tout autre élément que les communautés pourraient trouver utile. D’autres propositions sont les bienvenues! Veuillez noter que ce fonds n’est pas destiné à soutenir le voyage des étudiants à la conférence principale NAACL-HLT, car un fonds distinct est disponible à cet effet. NAACL ne prendra pas en charge les voyages à destination ou en provenance de sites en dehors des Amériques.
Les propositions seront évaluées par un comité composé de membres du conseil exécutif de NAACL. Les boursiers devront fournir un rapport a posteriori. Les propositions peuvent être soumises dans la langue de votre choix, à condition qu’une traduction en anglais soit également fournie.
Appel à Propositions
NAACL Regionaal Americas-Fonds [4]
Het doel van het NAACL Regionaal Americas-Fonds is het versterken van de Computational Linguistics-gemeenschap in Latijns-Amerika en het Caribisch Gebied, en het intensiveren van regionale interacties tussen studenten en onderzoekers overal in Amerika.
NAACL erkent dat elke regio specifieke behoeften en zorgen heeft, en daarom staan we open voor een breed scala aan mogelijke voorstellen, op voorwaarde dat deze prijzen bedoeld zijn om individuen, instellingen of evenementen in geheel Amerika te ondersteunen.
Voorbeelden van voorstellen die kunnen helpen bij het opbouwen van een gemeenschap:
- Regionale conferenties of workshops
- Natural Language Processing en Computational Linguistics lessen aan hogescholen en universiteiten in Latijns-Amerika en het Caribisch Gebied
- Deelname van studenten aan conferenties, zomerscholen en NLP / CL-wedstrijden in Amerika.
Financiële steun kan worden gebruikt voor materiaal, uitzending / streaming, archivering / hosting, reizen of iets anders dat gemeenschappen nuttig kunnen vinden. Andere voorstellen zijn welkom!
Houd er rekening mee dat dit fonds niet bedoeld is om studentenreizen naar de belangrijkste NAACL-HLT-conferentie te ondersteunen, aangezien daarvoor een apart fonds beschikbaar is. NAACL biedt geen ondersteuning voor reizen van of naar locaties buiten Amerika.
Voorstellen worden beoordeeld door een commissie bestaande uit leden van de NAACL Raad van Bestuur. Awardees moeten een post-facto rapport indienen. Voorstellen kunnen in elke gewenste taal worden ingediend, mits er ook een Engelse vertaling wordt verstrekt.
Oproep om voorstellen in te dienen
[1] Thanks to Thamar Solorio for the Spanish translation.
[2] Thanks to Thiago A. S. Pardo for the Brazilian Portuguese translation.
[3] Thanks to Fred Blain for the French translation.
[4] Thanks to João Sedoc for the Dutch translation.